Positive parenting is based on the fact that children have an innate tendency to behave in the right direction. In this context, emphasis is placed on mutual respect and the use of positive ways of discipline.
According to the philosophy of this approach, the goal is to learn the right behaviors for the future instead of reprimanding behaviors for the past.
But let's see how it is applied in practice:
It all seems to start from the attitude of parents. A parent who speaks politely, calmly and in a gentle tone, is the best role model for children, who in turn reflect the same behaviors.
It is quite important for parents to have in their mind the developmental stage of each child with all the behaviors that this entails. For example, outbursts of anger (tantrums) are expected for preschool children. If we are not aware, it is possible to ask children to behave in a way that does not correspond to their age and cognitive maturity.
Still, any provocative behavior that manifests "hides" a cause. Even if the need expressed by the child's behavior can’t be met or corresponds to causes that parents consider insignificant, it remains important to ask the child and through active listening skills, to reflect its feelings. In this way, the child realizes that we understand and that we can provide emotional support.
In place of punishment, it is suggested to isolate the child from an environment full of stimuli but in order to ensure calmness instead of isolation. At the same time, the stability and consistency of what parents promise gives a sense of security to children and increases their chances of complying with the rules in the future.