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Mental Well-being: 5 steps closer
Evidence shows there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and well-being. Try these things that could help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life....
5 Positive Parenting Tips
Even if many parents understand the philosophy and benefits of positive parenting, they find it difficult to move from the theory to practice. It is true that the challenges that arise every day...
The sky will become clearer. Let's smile.
Putting on our best smile will make us feel a little better, according to a new study published in the Nature Human Behavior....
Finding perspective
Being open to consider or even accept different perspectives can change our beliefs about what is functional and what is not. Extending that point of view, we could say that it can make our everyday...
Locus of control: what is it and how can it contribute to our happiness?
Effectiveness in managing situations in our daily life can be affected by many differentfactors. Who is responsible for what is happening to us? What can we do to manage it? What consequences do our...
How to teach children gratitude
Gratitude is a concept, a way of life that helps people live, feel and function better in their relationships. Are we born grateful or do we become grateful as life goes on?...
How do empathy and self-compassion relate to our happiness?
The situations we are expected to manage daily have highlighted empathy and self-compassion as elements that can help us cope. Of course, their role is not limited to this, as it seems that they can...
Does the way gratitude is expressed – in person or remotely – affect its benefits?
Self-compassion is a healthy way of relating to ourselves. At the same time, it seems to facilitate us to bounce back from the difficulties that arise in our daily lives....
Can self-compassion help us overcome unpleasant feelings faster?
Self-compassion is a healthy way of relating to ourselves. At the same time, it seems to facilitate us to bounce back from the difficulties that arise in our daily lives....
Trusting societies are overall happier
Humans are social beings. This means, that humans’ quality of life is largely decided by the quality of their societies. Trust is one key factor that helps shape societies – specifically, if...
Acts of kindness make us happier
Happiness seems to be a social emotion. Feeling stressed after a long day at work? We treat ourselves with a bubble bath....
NEUROBICS: Brain exercise
Neurobics are activities or mental (cognitive) exercises that stimulate the brain, improve cognitive impairment, enhance memory, stimulate the production of neurotrophins and induce the formation of...
Positive parenting : Application in practice
Positive parenting is based on the fact that children have an innate tendency to behave in the right direction. In this context, emphasis is placed on mutual respect and the use of positive ways of...
Building positive work relations
Building positive work relationships at work can take time and patience, but it offers great results, both for our psychology and in the smooth running of the team....
Humor as a tool for managing difficulties
Humor can often be seen as a simple and easy way to alleviate a situation immediately and in short term, and consequently can be seen as a superficial and ineffective way of managing. However, a...
What are the benefits of Gratitude
Being grateful and practicing it regularly in your daily life seems to have a positive effect, both mentally and physically! Research has shown time and time again that the feeling of gratitude...

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