Positive motivation is a useful tool based on positive psychology and can become our ally in our goals. The philosophy of the approach is to pursue goals for the purpose of personal reward instead of avoiding any negative consequences.
More specifically, positive motivation is distinguished from negative. When pain or fear drives us, we use "negative" motives, and when pleasure or love drives us, we use positive motives. Both positive and negative motivations can arise due to internal or external (social) factors.
To make it more specific, if we assume that we are assigned a new project in our workplace, which requires a lot of effort, a positive incentive would be an increase in our financial earnings while a negative one would be its completion for fear of a replacement.
Although both forms of motivation can lead to similar results, positive motivation is associated with an optimistic attitude that provides the means to become more creative while enjoying the process until our goals are achieved.
So what form of motivation directs your goals? Take some time to think and answer the following questions:
What leads you?
How is the decision-making process?
Do you make decisions out of love or out of fear?
Is your goal to avoid pain or to experience pleasure?